Wednesday, January 2, 2008

The Enforcer: A Dad fighting the good fight.

I don't believe in taking sides except one: The kids. I don't fancy parents who allow personal feelings to seep into affecting how kids are raised. I am a big fan of any single parent, dad or mom, who fights for and gets custody with the sole intent of doing the best job raising kids. The Enforcer, on "The Roll Call Notebook" blog uses blogging to vent both his frustrations and joys being a single dad. I asked for and got permission to repost this excerpt concerning his personal custody battle. I repost this for single dad's who find themselves fighting for their kids, to know they are not alone. Enforcer's straight talk and openness about the strain make it a bit easier for us when we consider our own issues. We can all remain silent, but the Enforcer does not want to. Thanks for this, Enforcer.

"I have been gearing up for my hopefully last battle on the issue of custody with my ex wife, she walked out of the marrige the year I became a cop, leaving me to care for our two small kids while trying to fit into and excell at my new career. I was awarded full physical custody of the children by the court. After a handfull of years she decided it was time to stop partying and actually buckle down and try her hand at motherhood. I eventually got remarried and both me and Enforcerwife dedicated ourselves to raising the kids. Everything was in place and running smoothly and then the ex started dragging me into court each year for every little modification It has pretty much been hell. Each time she brought me into court we capitulated and she would chip away little by little, death by a thousand cuts basically. This last time she attempted to try for a change in custody, we had to go through several sets of hoops, including a guardian ad litum, a concillitator and possibly tomorrow a trial. But this last one was the final straw, we decided no capitulation, we set forth our 3 possible agreements and she refused each one out of hand.....

Until today. Today was D-day, we were set for trial prep and had to be in my lawyers office this afternoon, we went there and as we were prepping her lawyer called mine and accepted our original offer. We still have to go to court tomorrow and there always is the possibility she will assume one of her many other personalities and withdraw her acceptance. However it seems as if there is an agreement in principal on paper and signed as of late this afternoon.

This custody battle has been consuming me throuought the holiday season and I haven't been my regular joyfull self lately. Just ask the cops I work with, the criminals I deal with and the Enforcerwife, they'll all agree.

That being said I believe that the ex has accepted our last agreement proposal and all there is to do now is wait and see how it shakes out.

Below is my online tarot card reading. I began having my cards done by a friend way back when the divorce was just happening, my friend would do them for me to ease my mind and redirect my thoughts away from what I was dealing with."

--- To Read the Enforcer's Tarot reading and learn more, visit The Roll Call Notebook

Barney, a Grateful Dad

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